Sunday, November 29, 2009


Treasurer Statements:

Michael: He has three boring points or some crap. He has a plan but nobody really read about it. Also, there will be Nigerians. None of this really sounds right. Apparently Mr. Moore withdrew, but not really? Michael is citing Catch 22 and crap. Apparently Thomas is dead, he died years ago in England. YEAH MICHAEL MADE THE THOMAS MORE JOKE

Thomas: He has nothing to say. Michael was a good campaigner. Michael wanted it more. Hmmm.

Secretarial Statements:

Nicholas: He is saying some boring things about his personal history. Blair says he's unexperienced but so was Obama or something. He needs Lexie to read his statements about Blair. THIS IS ALL SO DAMNING.

Eli: Will bring the troops home.

Blair: She's at a loss for words when she looks at her fine constituents. Also, the things Nicholas said were not real. Though she does occasionally yell at small children.

Presidential Statements:

Dorian: Is running for president.

Lexie: Lexie is happy that she's president. YAY! Hopefully you approve of her. If you don't then FIGHT HER

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